Call for Papers for the International Conference: “Anti-Asian Racism: History, Theory and Case Studies” – Deadline: 15.03.2023

Asian New Yorkers protest in August 2021

Call for Paper – PDF download

Conference “Anti-Asian Racism: History, Theory and Case Studies”

Venue: Schloss Hohentübingen at the University of Tübingen, Germany
Date: 07.07. – 08.07.2023, hybrid con­fe­rence
Conveners: Dr. Kien Nghi Ha and Prof. Dr. You Jae Lee
Host Institution: Department of Korean Studies, Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies at the University of Tübingen

Thematic Focus and Issues

In the trans­na­tional Corona pan­demic, Asian-related racism became common head­lines in the media of many Western immi­gration societies. In the course of this deve­lo­pment, the term as well as the topic of “anti-Asian racism” became more pro­minent – in Germany for the very first time. Although anti-Asian pro­jec­tions and its accom­panying colonial-racist con­s­truc­tions have been a con­sti­tutive com­ponent of Western modernity, they have hardly been per­ceived as a relevant topic in many European nations. This is also the case in German-speaking countries and its poli­tical, cul­tural and edu­ca­tional insti­tu­tions. Thus, the aca­demic research on the history and com­ple­xities of Asian German Diaspora, the sub­jec­ti­vities and needs of Asian immi­grant com­mu­nities is still largely mar­gi­na­lized and mostly deemed as unim­portant. This is espe­cially true for aca­demic rese­arches that centers the rich history of anti-Asian dis­courses and ste­reo­types as well as related con­tem­porary prac­tices, immi­gration policies and move­ments in Germany and other European countries.

To tackles this, the workshop aims at streng­thening local coope­ration as well as trans­na­tional net­working. We like invite scholars from all aca­demic disci­plines to con­tribute. Inquiries from the Humanities including but not limited to Asian German Studies, Asian Diasporic Studies, Asian American Studies, Asian Studies, European Studies, German Studies, Anthropology, Media Studies, History and Social Sciences in general as well as other fields of expertise are welcome. Through the inclusion of multi-disciplinary exch­anges and insights we seek to broaden our per­spec­tives and under­standing. We encourage espe­cially scholars of Color and young aca­demics to apply, who aims to explore this field of research in the German context.

The conference is divided into three sections:

1) The section “History” dis­cusses his­to­rical back­grounds of the origin of Asian dia­sporas in Western societies. In addition to legal frame­works and poli­tical prac­tices, the atti­tudes and reac­tions of the White main­stream are also relevant. Travel routes, work, housing, lan­guage, and gender dif­fe­rences and other social and spatial dimen­sions are also of great importance for the structure of Asian dia­sporic com­mu­nities. Likewise, the modes of response to racism, self-organization, and com­munity building are also important for the arrival and sett­lement pro­cesses. In this context, a com­pa­rative per­spective allows for infe­rences not only about local, regional, and national, but also about trans­na­tional ana­logies and differences.

2) The section “Theory” deals with approaches that his­to­ri­cally recon­s­truct, define, and ana­ly­ti­cally classify anti-Asian racism and its various mani­fes­ta­tions. In addition to the func­tioning of struc­tural exclu­sions and insti­tu­tio­na­lized dis­cri­mi­na­tions, the con­s­truction and mea­nings of cul­tural ste­reo­types in popular culture or media can also be examined. Intersectional rela­tions to other forms of racism and social cate­gories such as class, gender and sexuality are also of great interest.

3) The section “Case Studies” narrows down the object of study and, with its inductive approach, allows for a change of per­spective that high­lights inte­resting aspects that are easily over­looked in the macro view. Possible formats include his­to­rical, poli­tical, cultura eventsl, but also indi­vidual cases, smaller-scale the­matic aspects, bio­gra­phical ana­lyses, exem­plary reception his­tories of cul­tural arti­facts, and so on, which are also signi­ficant through their detailed view.

Practical informations

Due to budget limits, we can only provide a limited travel reim­bur­sement (up to 200,- €), hotel acco­mo­dation for one night in Tübingen and meals, snacks and soft drinks for the sel­ected sub­mis­sions. Online pre­sen­tation is pos­sible in order to give overseas scholars the chance to participate. 

Please send pro­posals (approx. 300 words) and a short CV (up to 150 words) to the orga­nizers. Please pass this CfP along to anyone else who might be inte­rested. Thank you for your interest!

Submission CfP

Deadline: 15.03.2023 for abs­tract (approx. 300 words) and short CV (up to 150 words)
Result Notification: 31.03.2023
Contact: Dr. Kien Nghi Ha, Email:
More Information: Asian German Studies Tübingen


Conference pro­cee­dings planned for 2024 by an inter­na­tional aca­demic publisher

Supported by the Platform Global Encounters of the University of Tübingen.
Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Ministry of Science Baden-Württemberg within the framework of the Excellence Strategy of the German Federal and State Governments.